McNeese State University is committed to ensuring equal access to information for all its constituencies. This policy establishes minimum standards for the accessibility of web based information and services considered necessary to meet this goal and ensure compliance with applicable state and federal regulations. Official Web Pages and associated web based services developed by or for a college, department, program or unit of the University. All new and redesigned Web pages published by any university college, department, program, or unit after 9/1/2010 must be in compliance with the DOJ agreement to meet accessible web standards Web pages published prior to 8/31/2010 are considered Legacy Pages. Legacy pages are to be brought into compliance over the course of updating university web site.


A status report summarizing the progress towards fully accessible web space over the past year and targets for the upcoming year shall be included in the annual reports to the ADA Coordinator.


The ADA Coordinator will initiate a review and necessary revisions of this policy the associated standards at least once every three years. The review group will include designees from the University’s Chief Information Officer, Academic Affairs, Diversity and the office currently responsible for managing the University’s home page.


For setting priorities to make Legacy Pages accessible, the following guidance is suggested:

First Year: Tier 1 pages

Tier 1 Pages are:

  • The first two layers of the university website
  • Pages that individuals must access to effectively participate in a program to utilize a service offered by any unit of the University.
  • Web pages specifically requested to be made accessible as part of a formal accommodation request shall be made accessible as soon as possible, or an equally effective alternative shall be provided. Equally effective means that it communicates the same information in as timely a fashion as does the web page.

Second Year: remaining Legacy Pages

University entities developing Web pages for a federal or state agency may use the University’s Web accessibility policy standards. Exception: Where a federal agency requires a Web page to be developed to a higher standard of accessibility than does the University, the higher standard shall be used.

The university homepage and the ADA page should have a statement reading:

If you have trouble accessing any page on the MSU site, contact Note: The addition of a contact person is not sufficient, in and of itself, in meeting accessibility guidelines.

Academic Adjustments, Accommodations, or Reasonable Accommodations

Persons needing academic adjustments, accommodations, or reasonable accommodations as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as Amended, should contact the following University personnel:

Employment and Applicants:

Dr. Michael T. Snowden, Ph.D., Chief Diversity Officer, Title IX Coordinator, and ADA Coordinator, BBC, Room 404, (337) 475-5428; TDD/TTY, hearing impaired (337) 562-4227 or Dr. Snowden ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the ADA Amendments of 2008, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation of 1973, other federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to persons with disabilities, and receives complaints regarding ADA access issues. Individuals interested in additional information can visit the U.S. Department of Labor website or contact Dr. Michael Snowden, ADA Coordinator.

Accommodations for Students:

Tim Delaney, Director of the Office of Accessibility Services, Drew Hall, Room 200, (337) 475-5916; TDD/TTY, hearing impaired (337) 562-4227 or or Tim Delaney is the contact person for academic adjustments for students and student concerns.

Accommodations for Visitors:

Visitors requesting accommodations should contact the department sponsoring the program, event, or activity. On the MSU campus, visitors should contact Dr. Michael Snowden, Chief Diversity Officer and ADA Coordinator, BBC, Room 404, (337) 475-5428; TDD/TTY, hearing impaired (337) 562-4227 or


Resources for web design